Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Sad Farewell!

Early this morning our family met to say our Good -Byes to my brother-in-law. He is on his way to Camp Shelby in Mississippi and the off to Iraq for a year. It was a very emotional time. We stood around for several hours, joking and hugging and crying as one of our own family members prepared to leave to serve our country and help to keep us safe and free! As this whole thing has unfolded in front of our eyes, we were all unsure of how to handle the idea that someone we love and deeply care for is off to war. Many people have veterans in their family, and many others have family who currently serve. I think that the difference is actually seeing someone get on that plane to head off to war. It is an eye opening event, as well as a shock to the system. I praise all who serve, knowing that they put their lives on the line to keep us safe and free, but to actually be there and be a part of sending someone off to war, (even if he is only my brother-in-law), is really a difficult thing to be a part of. Seeing family members cry that you have never seen cry, seeing the worry and fear on everyones faces, and just the unknown of what will happen, not knowing if we will be one of the families that gets that devistating phone call or to be thrilled to see him come home. From this day on, this family as well as Jacob, will never be the same.

We will miss you Jacob! Please be safe and come back home to your wife and two beautiful daughters! They need their Daddy! To your mom and dad, to your two sisters and your brother and all the rest of us! God Bless You for your bravery to serve our country and to keep us safe and free! We all Love You Very Much! Just come home! You will be in my thoughts and prayers (not that I am much of a praying type person, but I will be thinking of you every day and hoping you come home safe and sound!)!!!

1 comment:

  1. Seeing someone go off to war, make the heart just weep. I am a vet but I have never seen war but only from a distance (since I was in the Navy). I an only imagine. My heart and prayers go with him and his whole family.
