Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween 2010

Eventhough Halloween is on a Sunday this year, we decided to go Tricking and Treating on Saturday night. The weather was forcasted to be nasty, but it actually turned our to be fairly warm. My darling children picked out perfect costumes this year. Tyler chose Darth Vader and Paige chose to be Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. Both costumes fit their personalities perfectly and they both looked cute in them. Tyler even had a lightsaber to go with his and Paige was able to find a basket and a stuffed doggie to pose as Toto. They had a blast walking around Nana and Papa Davis' neighborhood, and even had fun when we trick or treated at the mall. Halloween is a fun time of year for everyone. We saw some really adorable little kiddies in some absolutely adorable costumes. My nephew was dressed as an Elephant and he was absolutely cute. We saw a Pooh Bear and some dragons even a little clown. I think one of the funniest we saw was a little baby at the mall dressed as a skunk. Happy Halloween Everyone!

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