For so many years we have heard about nothing but how bad our children are doing in education as compared to other countries. Well, I am fed up. I am fed up with the budget cuts to education, the emphasis on Math and Science as a curriculum and fed up with comparing our children to other countries. I feel sad for my children and the children of my friends and family because they have no idea what it's like to learn the things we did, or even our parents did.
If the education system wants to be in the running with these other countries that we compare ourselves to, then maybe they need to stop and take a look at what those others education systems are like. Take China as an example: Their curriculum is filled with Art, Music, The History of their Culture, different languages, along with the studies of Math, Science and Reading.
Our education system has cut too many and too much from our childrens curriculum. Art, gone... Music, gone... History, gone... They focus on Math and Science. But if you don't have the others, how can you even have a well rounded education? The Arts and Music and History help open the mind to understanding Math and Science.
I think it is time that we take back our children's education from the politicians and get our children learning again.
You're just going to have to buck up and homeschool 'em, Pam. ;)