Wednesday, October 13, 2010


School has been in session since September 1, and I have enjoyed the peace and quiet during the days while the kids have been in school. But once 3:00 pm hits, it is complete and total chaos. The kids come screaming into the house, backpacks, jackets, and shoes start flying, doors start opening and slamming, potty break, snacks... Then its time for homework... Books scattered, crayons flying, the grinding of pencils in the electric pencil sharpener... Reading, writing, arithmatic, "Mommy, I don't get this... Mommy, I don't know this word... Mommy, how do you spell this and that... Mommy, what is this plus that, this minus that, this times that, this divided by that..." Once the homework is done, it becomes a three ring circus... Fighting over watching TV, fighting over who is gonna sit where, fighting because he looked at me funny, fighting because she yelled at me... Between the hours of 3:00 and 8:00 it is complete and utter chaos. By the time the kids get into their beds, I am ready to fall over... and that is only 5 hours... I feel sorry for the teachers at the school, who deal with 20 - 30 of them all together... I only have 2... I still have yet to understand who could possibly ever want more... How do they deal with all of the stuff that kids bring... And then I start to wonder what is wrong with me, that I struggle with just 2, and for only a total of maybe 6 or 7 hours a day...

1 comment:

  1. I find this post disheartening for a couple of reasons: 1) I was hoping that parenting would be easier by the time my boys got that big! 2) Why in the world do kids go to school for 6 hours a day only to come home and do homework? WHAT ARE THEY DOING during that six hours?

    And I am with ya on the wondering how in the world people ever have more than 2 kids. HOW IN THE WORLD DO PEOPLE EVER HAVE MORE THAN TWO KIDS? HOW ARE THEY STILL STANDING?

    And I wonder, too, what's wrong with me that I barely have the energy to deal with my little ones. On Saturdays, after about four hours of poopy diapers and bloody noses and hurtings of each other and sendings to rooms, and crying, crying, crying, I'm all, "ABE! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! HEEEELP!"

    There is nothing harder in the world than parenting.
