Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Oh My...

As I am sitting here at this late hour helping my adoring husband finsh up some last minute work items, I decided to take a break and check out what has been happening in the blogging world in which I follow, when I came across a good friend of mine (Rachel)'s posting abou the Joys of Motherhood.  I started laughing because she can find the most positive things out of life when I tend to see a lot of the negative. Anyways, she explains how the joys of motherhood have given her two nice guns (bicepts) and a single white strand of hair.  I have to say I love her for this.  She has been a mom for 4+ years and can still find the time to laugh at and find the positives in being a mom.  I on the other hand struggle on a daily bases with my two lovely children.  I have been a mom for 9+ years and as I commented on her posting, I have more years under my belt... and I do mean UNDER my belt, which has expanded to include the entire North Western portion of the United States. (And yes that was a fat joke.) I have also accumulated several sparkling silver hairs that are bright enough to blind someone if the sun hits them just right. And circles so dark under my eyes you would think I was one of the walking dead. 
The whole thing makes me laugh! But the truth of it is that I applaude her for her positive outlook on it all. I still struggle with just the idea sometimes of being a mom.  Its not as easy as some make it out to be, and some days are just so much more than I can handle.  I applaude all of those out there who have the patience, the sanity and the gracious additudes that you have.  I struggle to find the balance.  When I look at my two beautiful children I know that I am lucky to have what I have with them and that I love them unconditionally! But some times, I don't like them very much.  I know that someone just gasped at that comment, but it is the honest truth.  Their behaviors drive me up a wall.  Both of my children are very head strong, independant, and smart! However, when they get into a room with each other, forget it, all brains go to mush and the boxing gloves come out.  They both have a will and a mind of their own, and when they want something, they get it or heaven help me all HELL is UNLEASHED UPON THE EARTH! My daughter has the additude of a 16 year old... (we all know the kind I am talking about... I AM ALL KNOWING... MOM AND DAD ARE STUPID AND DON'T KNOW ANYTHING, I WILL DO AS I PLEASE AND KISS MY BUTT IF YOU DON'T AGREE! yeah, that additude...) My son is the same way, only his outbursts are more covert.  He will destroy something or take something and doesn't care about the consequences.  OR he will just down right throw a temper tantrum (let me just say, he is 6 not 2 or 3), banging his head on the wall, throwing toys, or whatever. 
It is all just so exhausting.  And well it doesn't help that it is winter and the temperatures and weather haven't been agreeable so they are cooped up in the house all afternoon when they get home from school.  Which is a whole other headache and topic for another day...
SO... My hat goes off to all of you out there who truly have the patience and dedication to be that SUPER MOM! (I mean that honestly!)

Picture of a tired mommy...


  1. Honey child, let me tell you: you're not alone! I hope my blog doesn't make it seem like my life as a mommy is all roses and rainbows! The following phrases from your post that I could have written myself:

    "I struggle with my kids on a daily basis….some days are just so much more than I can handle….I struggle to balance….sometimes I don’t like them very much…they're headstrong, independent, and smart….put them in a room together and the boxing gloves come out…my son will destroy something or take something and doesn't care about the consequences. OR he will just downright throw a temper tantrum, banging his head on the wall, throwing toys, or whatever... when they want something, they get it or heaven help me all HELL IS UNLEASHED UPON THE EARTH."

    It's like we're living in parallel universes!

    Michelle and I are always saying, "I HATE BEING A MOM!" And it's not that we REALLY hate being a mom, it's just that it's the hardest job a woman could possibly undertake. There's so much responsibility--and with that comes worry! CONSTANT WORRY! You're forever second-guessing yourself: wondering if what you're giving is enough, if what you're giving is too much, if what you're giving is what your children need. And it seems you look around and every other woman has a perfectly clean house and perfectly groomed, well-behaved children who treat each other like gold, always share, always say please, and save their allowance money to buy toys for needy children.

    But there are like three women like that out there. In the whole world. And they suck.

    But what I'm trying to say is, you're doing great. You have lovely children. And you are a lovely mama.

  2. Thanks, sweetie... And I never once thought that you have it easy either... But it is your positivity I love and admire... You too have lovely children and are a lovely mama!
